Posts tagged Buenos Aires
The One Region of Argentina I Wouldn’t Miss If I Ever Want Back

Argentina is a big place — the second largest country in South America, in fact, and the eighth largest in the world. And that’s why the six weeks I spent there back in 2014 weren’t nearly enough to get a glimpse of all of the country’s 23 provinces — but if I ever went back, there is one province I’d make sure not to miss.

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What It's Like Living with a Host Family While Studying Abroad

Not everyone is afforded the opportunity to become a foreign exchange student, and even when the option exists, studying abroad just does not appeal to some people. But if you're one of those individuals out there thinking about expanding your cranium overseas and you wonder, among other things, what living with a host family might be like, you've come to the right place.

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11 Capital Cities That Aren't On Your Radar (& One Reason to Visit Each)

It's with an open mind that I scour the globe, looking for the most far-flung and unique places I could possibly, maybe, someday visit. And in that vein, I offer you a list of world capitals — some you may have heard of; others probably not — for the simple sake of putting them on your radar. Who knows, maybe you'll latch onto one of them and find yourself asking, "Why not?"

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7 Places I've Been That I Couldn't Have Imagined Traveling to a Decade Ago

I have experienced a number of twists and turns during my 24 years on this earth so far, and many of those twists and turns have been pleasantly unanticipated. Many of them have also involved me traveling to destinations far and wide that I truly could not have imagined myself journeying to a decade ago — heck, even five years ago in some cases.

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Aspiring Travel Writers: How Does a Free Two-Week Trip to Argentina Sound?

If you've ever dreamed of being paid to write about your travels — *ahem* like me — there is an opportunity out there right now that you might like to know about. World Nomads, an online travel community that got started in 2002, has been offering travel writing scholarships for a dozen years now, and this year they plan to send three aspiring travel writers on a 14-day trip to Argentina.

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That Time We Got Absolutely Drenched at Iguazú Falls

It started, as a handful of shenanigans do, with wine and whiskey. One after the other, poured in our little plastic cups as we sat all chummy on a Greyhound-type bus, heading north from the city of Buenos Aires into the Argentinian country side.

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Buenos Aires vs. Beijing: Which is the Better City?

One is the capital of Argentina, the other the capital of China, and, amazingly, I've visited both in the last three years.

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Your Introduction to One of the Oldest Cities in Uruguay

Colonia Del Sacramento was founded in 1680 and sits in the southwestern portion of Uruguay — a country that, unfortunately, I imagine isn’t on many bucket lists when someone plans a visit to South America.

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