Posts tagged Dakar
The New York Times' 52 Places to Love in 2021: Unusual Times Call for Unusual Bucket Lists

The year from hell that was 2020 may be over, but 2021 doesn’t really feel all that different just yet. The world is still attempting to come back from the brink and fight off this accursed virus, businesses and families are still out here struggling financially due to restrictions designed to keep people safe, and many industries are still flailing about with all the uncertainty that remains.

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The NY Times' 52 Places to Go in 2019: Reaction, Highlights & Other Ditties

The calendar has flipped to 2019, and only nine days into the new year the good folks over at The New York Times have gifted us with their annual list of 52 destinations that travelers the world over might like to consider hitting up over the next 12 months. With more than 15 locations across Europe, a dozen or so in North America, and a smattering of other choices from Asia, Africa, South America, Australia, and the Middle East, the “52 Places to Go in 2019” list contains options for just about everyone.

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11 Capital Cities That Aren't On Your Radar (& One Reason to Visit Each)

It's with an open mind that I scour the globe, looking for the most far-flung and unique places I could possibly, maybe, someday visit. And in that vein, I offer you a list of world capitals — some you may have heard of; others probably not — for the simple sake of putting them on your radar. Who knows, maybe you'll latch onto one of them and find yourself asking, "Why not?"

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