Posts tagged Patagonia
Patagonia's Provocative Political Message Awesome

In a world in which it’s becoming increasingly more difficult not to take a stand on certain issues, some companies have taken it upon themselves to be bolder than others. Nike, with its 2018 ad campaign featuring Colin Kaepernick, the face of the NFL’s police brutality protests, comes to mind, as does Gillette, which stuck its neck out for the #MeToo movement in early 2019.

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The One Region of Argentina I Wouldn’t Miss If I Ever Want Back

Argentina is a big place — the second largest country in South America, in fact, and the eighth largest in the world. And that’s why the six weeks I spent there back in 2014 weren’t nearly enough to get a glimpse of all of the country’s 23 provinces — but if I ever went back, there is one province I’d make sure not to miss.

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