Posts tagged Pitcairn Island
15 Islands You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

You may think you know the globe pretty well, but it’s highly likely there’s an island or two — maybe even 15 — that you managed to gloss over the last time you were checking out a world map. With 71 percent of the earth’s surface covered in water, who could blame you, though? There’s bound to be far-flung islands that are impossibly difficult to get to that you’ve never heard of — it’s just a fact.

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Looking Back: The 5 Most Popular Posts on Logan's Run in 2017

It's been some kind of year, let me tell you — and I mean that personally and on a much grander scale. We aren't here to talk about my move from Ann Arbor to Grand Rapids, or my adventures with Uber over the summer, or those stressful days before I secured a full-time job as a reporter in September, though. No, we're here to dissect, to some degree, the year that was for this blog, Logan's Run.

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