Posts tagged Montevideo
11 Capital Cities That Aren't On Your Radar (& One Reason to Visit Each)

It's with an open mind that I scour the globe, looking for the most far-flung and unique places I could possibly, maybe, someday visit. And in that vein, I offer you a list of world capitals — some you may have heard of; others probably not — for the simple sake of putting them on your radar. Who knows, maybe you'll latch onto one of them and find yourself asking, "Why not?"

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7 Places I've Been That I Couldn't Have Imagined Traveling to a Decade Ago

I have experienced a number of twists and turns during my 24 years on this earth so far, and many of those twists and turns have been pleasantly unanticipated. Many of them have also involved me traveling to destinations far and wide that I truly could not have imagined myself journeying to a decade ago — heck, even five years ago in some cases.

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