Posts tagged wilderness
The Unassailable Allure of the Great Ghost Trains of Maine

Hidden in the 17.5 million acres of forest spread across the state of Maine are a number of abandoned sites. These include vacant paper mills, deserted homes, old forts, and underground bunkers. But one of the most interesting things you’ll find in the woods of northern Maine are a pair of long-forgotten locomotive engines, rusting away in the middle of nowhere.

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The New York Times' 52 Places to Love in 2021: Unusual Times Call for Unusual Bucket Lists

The year from hell that was 2020 may be over, but 2021 doesn’t really feel all that different just yet. The world is still attempting to come back from the brink and fight off this accursed virus, businesses and families are still out here struggling financially due to restrictions designed to keep people safe, and many industries are still flailing about with all the uncertainty that remains.

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Can a Small Mountain Village in Kyrgyzstan Become a Global Tourist Destination? This Guy Thinks So

What on god’s green earth is in Kyrgyzstan? Well, there are cities you could potentially visit — Bishkek, the capital, and Osh, the country’s oldest city, for example — but to capture the true feel of Kyrgyzstan, you’d probably be better off taking a hike.

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