Posts tagged trip planning
Semi-Private Jet Travel for You & Me: The Airline Bent on Making Luxury Affordable

If you’re like most people, you probably believe flying in a private jet is a luxury you’re unlikely to experience during your brief existence on this increasingly warming rock we call earth. And let’s face it, if you’re on the outside looking in when it comes to the so-called “one percent,” you’re probably right. Here’s a thought, though: what if you’re only half-right?

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Trip Planning Perfectionist? Over-Packer? Useful Tips & Tricks for Every Type of Traveler

As with almost everything in the history of ever, travel tips and tricks come in all shapes and sizes. Some bits of advice prove useful; others you might swat away like a mildly-pesky fly. Right here, right now, we’re trying to steer clear of the fly swatters and break down some of the best travel hacks out there, depending on the type of traveler you are.

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Photos of This Lakeside Village in Western Europe are Essentially Travel Porn

Whether you’ve crisscrossed the globe five times over or simply scrolled through Instagram on a lazy afternoon, you’ve undoubtedly learned by now that some destinations are just more photogenic than others. That’s not to say that “ugly” cities and towns aren’t worth visiting; places that impress with personality alone are certainly bucket list-worthy. It’s more about this plain statement of fact: not all destinations are equal in the eyes of the camera’s lens.

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The Best Tips for Planning an Awesome Getaway on a Budget

Maybe you and your girlfriends are looking for a weekend trip just for yourselves; perhaps you and the hubby want to get away from the city and lie on the beach for a week. Whatever your plans are, rest assured that you don’t have to spend a ton of money to make them happen. Now more than ever, it’s easy to find cheap flights and deals on lodging; you just have to know where to look and when to book.

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How Long Your Vacation Should Last, According to the Experts

Companies aren’t legally required to offer their employees vacation time, but more than 90 percent of all full-time employees working in the private sector receive paid vacation. Why? Because even your stingy boss knows that a burnt-out employee is just about as useful as a poopy-flavored lollipop. It’s a universal truth: everybody needs a break now and then.

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From Planning to Execution, Road Trips Never Seem to Go the Way You Think They Will

What’s the first thing you do when planning a road trip? Before picking out stops along the way, before deciding which places you’ll spend the night in, before figuring out how many miles you’ll travel and how many days and nights you’ll be away — before any of that — the very first thing you do is you give your road trip an epic name equivalent to the significance of the marvelous adventure you are about to embark upon.

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Why Everyone Needs to Travel Solo At Least Once in Their Lives

Everyone — and I mean everyone — should pack a bag and take a solo trip at some point in their lives. Do you need to take seven weeks off work and backpack through Europe? No, not at all. It could be a simple weekend trip. The point is just to go and get out there on your own.

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Why Use a Travel Agent in the Digital Age? I Can Think of a Few Good Reasons

With the Internets invading every aspect of our lives these days and an ever-growing repertoire of handy-dandy apps and services like Airbnb and Turo showing no signs of disappearing anytime soon, travelers the world over may find themselves wondering from time to time: "What's the point of hiring a travel agent in 2018?"

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