Semi-Private Jet Travel for You & Me: The Airline Bent on Making Luxury Affordable
Launched in 2016, Dallas-based JSX offers semi-private, luxury air travel experiences at a price point that won’t turn your hair grey (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)
*Post updated on May 30, 2023
If you’re like most people, you probably believe flying in a private jet is a luxury you’re unlikely to experience during your brief existence on this increasingly warming rock we call earth. And let’s face it, if you’re on the outside looking in when it comes to the so-called “one percent,” you’re probably right. Here’s a thought, though: what if you’re only half-right?
Unless you become besties with Tim Cook or Bill Gates or Elon Mu— oh my gosh, sorry, I just threw up in my mouth a little trying to type that. But anyway… unless you make an ultra rich friend, you probably aren’t going to get on an actual private jet — but nobody said anything about semi-private jets, now did they?
Before you ask: yes, they’re a real thing. No kidding around here (I mean, maybe just a little, but not about the existence of semi-private jets). There are a number of companies out there that offer the experience, which is geared toward the air traveler who doesn’t want to put up with long lines at the security checkpoint, minimal leg room in the cabin, and the avalanche of extra fees that always comes creeping along when you book with an outfit that calls itself a budget airline.
“That sounds great,” you say. “That sounds like something I might be interested in, but how much is it gonna cost me?”
Well, for the most part, companies offering these flights, such as Aero, SurfAir, and Wheels Up, do still charge an arm and a leg to take advantage of their services. However, there is one airline out there which prides itself on providing a semi-private, luxury experience at a price point that doesn’t leave you feeling like you just paid for a semester of out-of-state tuition. They’re called JSX.
The JSX route map, as of May 2023
Whereas the others can easily run you thousands of dollars, JSX offers flights that are, at times, comparable to what you’d pay for standard airfare with Delta or American Airlines or United. With the right conditions, the airfare can even be lower at times than some budget carriers’ for certain trips, making it an especially enticing option given the superior experience.
The next question, naturally, is what makes the experience so great? Answer: a number of things. Setting aside (but certainly not forgetting about) affordability, which we already went over, JSX offers plenty of other perks, including planes capped at 30 passengers; small, private terminals that are adjacent to major airports; and the ability to show up just 20 minutes before your flight because of the whole no-hassle boarding process.
On top of that, your airfare includes two free checked bags, complementary snacks and drinks, and a free ride for your pet, who can sit right in the main cabin with you and all of your ample leg room.
However, it’s not all sunshine and roses. Having just gotten off the ground in 2016, JSX is still mainly a regional service. Originally operating in just six states — Arizona, California, Florida, Nevada, New York, and Texas — they’ve since added New Mexico, Colorado, Tennessee, Massachusetts, and Maine, along with a route to Cabo San Lucas in Baja California Sur. Additionally, it should be mentioned that airfare can get a bit steep during peak travel times, making it a much less attractive option than it would be otherwise.
But if conditions are right and you want to treat yourself a little bit, maybe give JSX a think next time.