Posts tagged staycation
How to Hit the Road & Stay Safe as the Pandemic Rages On

Time off has lost a little bit of that sense of escapism — the defining trait of proper rest and relaxation. Instead of a safe space, home is a reminder of what we’re missing out on. People isolate themselves for the sake of everyone’s physical health, but cabin fever looms. Irritation, loneliness, restlessness: the remedy is a change of scenery, which is asking for too much during a pandemic, right?

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Ready to Travel Again? Spice Things Up By Taking a Mystery Vacation

If you’re ready to get out there and travel again, why not spice things up on the first go-round? Unless you’ve been itching to visit someplace in particular, it could be the perfect time to surprise yourself with a mystery vacation. And the best part? You don’t have to do any of the planning.

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How Long Your Vacation Should Last, According to the Experts

Companies aren’t legally required to offer their employees vacation time, but more than 90 percent of all full-time employees working in the private sector receive paid vacation. Why? Because even your stingy boss knows that a burnt-out employee is just about as useful as a poopy-flavored lollipop. It’s a universal truth: everybody needs a break now and then.

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