Posts tagged marine life
The Music Video That Put Panama on My Travel Bucket List

As humans, we are easily influenced by things we see on the internet — for better, and for worse. Sometimes we’re aware that someone is trying to sell us something; other times it’s much more subliminal. Whether or not it was their intention, the makers of a particular music video that I found a couple years back definitely sold me on traveling to a certain part of Panama.

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15 Islands You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

You may think you know the globe pretty well, but it’s highly likely there’s an island or two — maybe even 15 — that you managed to gloss over the last time you were checking out a world map. With 71 percent of the earth’s surface covered in water, who could blame you, though? There’s bound to be far-flung islands that are impossibly difficult to get to that you’ve never heard of — it’s just a fact.

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King of the Reef: This Strip of 'Land' is Royally Isolated

If you were to ask a random person on the street where the Hawaiian Islands are, there's a pretty good chance most people would be able to give you a fairly accurate answer. Ask about American Samoa or French Polynesia, and you'll most likely get a mixed bag of people who vaguely know where either of those are and a good deal of others who will be left scratching their heads. If you really want to stump someone, however, ask them about this isolated reef.

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