Stop me right now if you’ve heard this before, but, hand to god(s), we had another major, major year here on the blog, shattering records all over the place. I mean, are you ready for these percentages? I don’t know if you are. I think you’re gonna have to convince me. “Uhh, how the heck am I gonna do that?” you ask, staring blankly at your phone/tablet/laptop screen as you read these words. Well, it’s simple, Fred: all you have to do is read the following quotation about the subject that’s brought us all here, that lovely, glorious, worldview-expanding, cranium-opening, beautiful, wondrous, amorphous, multi-adjective-inducing thing — travel!
Read MoreAs you might remember, it began with an airplane — more specifically, the kind that flies right over your head as you stand on a tiny beach. That phenomenon, if you will, was what brought us to Saint Martin, an island in the northeastern Caribbean Sea comprised of territory belonging to the Netherlands and France.
Read MoreWhereas some apps are frivolous and just for fun, others are designed to make certain aspects of our lives more efficient. One area that has definitely benefited from the proliferation of these complicated collections of coding is travel. These days, you can easily book an entire trip exclusively using apps. What’s more, they come in super handy when you’re actually on your trip, and in all sorts of situations.
Read MoreWith the largest road atlas money can buy (thanks, grandma) laid out on the kitchen counter and some fancy new highlighters in hand, I began marking points. I marked places where I knew people, drew lines connecting the dots, checked the mileage with Google Maps to make sure I wasn’t planning ridiculously long drives (I max out at about 14 hours), and started feeling giddy.
Read MorePurchasing airline tickets can be a slightly stress-inducing experience, especially when you look at those fees — for baggage, for selecting where you'll sit, for flight insurance, etc. — that just keep adding up as you go through the process. All of a sudden that $144 roundtrip flight to Houston doesn't look so cheap anymore…
Read MoreI don't know why exactly, but we had it in our heads that we were going to leave town at some ungodly hour. And sure enough, there we were, packed and ready to go, backing out of the driveway just after 5 a.m. on Friday morning, Google Maps fired up and pointing us in the right direction.
Read MoreVisiting destinations whose outdoor temperatures regularly reach a level of “Okay, this hurts my face,” has, oddly enough, always come with a certain level of fascination for me. What’s even more fascinating than the prospect of visiting such a place is the fact that people actually live in places where the mercury has a difficult time getting past 40 degrees Fahrenheit or so, even in the warmer months of the year.
Read MoreIt was mid-February when I decided to drop $350 on a four-day weekend pass to a summer music festival. I was in Grand Rapids, Michigan, at a friend's place, looking over the details online — who would be playing, where we would stay, etc. — when he and I pulled the trigger and signed ourselves up for the Firefly Music Festival in Dover, Delaware, the capital of America's first state.
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