Posts tagged smart travel
Travel Apps You Should Absolutely, Positively, Without-a-Doubt Have on Your Phone

Whereas some apps are frivolous and just for fun, others are designed to make certain aspects of our lives more efficient. One area that has definitely benefited from the proliferation of these complicated collections of coding is travel. These days, you can easily book an entire trip exclusively using apps. What’s more, they come in super handy when you’re actually on your trip, and in all sorts of situations.

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The More Affordable Way to Experience Nightlife in Cancún

Going out in Cancún’s Zona Hotelera, where all of its most well-known clubs and bars are conveniently located one after the other on a strip of Boulevard Kukulcan, is the typical playbook here, but there are some things you’ll want to know before choosing where to party your pants off for the night — especially if you’re not looking to blow upwards of $150 or so in a single evening.

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