Posts tagged online reviews
New TripAdvisor Tool Makes it Easier to Stay Safe Out on the Road

With much of the U.S. seemingly ready to declare the coronavirus pandemic over even as new surges in cases have popped up in places like Texas, Florida, and Arizona, the world’s largest travel platform is at least keeping its eye on the ball. TripAdvisor, that online Valhalla of handy-dandy travel information, has released a new tool to help you identify which measures hotels and restaurants have in place to keep guests and customers safe.

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Online Reviews Helped Me Backpack Through Europe Seamlessly — They Can Help You Too

I recently returned to Michigan from a seven-week backpacking trip to Europe during which I had no trouble at all — and that wasn’t just because I got lucky. I owe every person who reviewed the hotels I stayed at, the restaurants I ate at, and every event or activity I threw myself into a big thank you, because they made my trip as seamless as possible.

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