Online Reviews Helped Me Backpack Through Europe Seamlessly — They Can Help You Too

(Image: Pixabay)

(Image: Pixabay)

Have you ever looked at a review before going to a restaurant or purchasing an item? Odds are your answer is yes. I rely on them most of the time, especially when it comes to traveling. I recently returned to Michigan from a seven-week backpacking trip to Europe during which I had no trouble at all — and that wasn’t just because I got lucky. I owe every person who reviewed the hotels I stayed at, the restaurants I ate at, and every event or activity I threw myself into a big thank you, because they made my trip as seamless as possible.

Tourist destinations rely on reviews. Every business I went to in Europe would hand me a card or verbally request that I hop online and write them a review. I quickly realized that no matter how small or large a business was, reviews mattered to them. Word-of-mouth is not enough to get the message out these days; we need to utilize technology.

Cantina e Cucina, a restaurant in Rome that serves this amazing dessert, was one of the first places I decided to write an online review for (Photo: Melissa Smith)

Cantina e Cucina, a restaurant in Rome that serves this amazing dessert, was one of the first places I decided to write an online review for (Photo: Melissa Smith)

In the past, I was pretty negligent when it came to writing online reviews. Previously, I would only think of doing so when something went wrong, but even then, I never had the gumption to actually write one. Now I know, after relying on them to make my backpacking trip a success, that I want to help others by leaving reviews of my own. One of the first places I wrote a review for while in Europe was the restaurant Cantina e Cucina in Rome, which serves a delicious dessert that deserves to be tried by everyone.

With those miniature computers called smartphones in our hands at nearly all hours of the day, writing a quick review is now easier than ever. All you need to do is download an app or check-in online, and it typically takes less than five minutes to do so. While it may not seem like a big deal to you, those five minutes can make a huge difference to fellow travelers and for businesses, as well. Some of my favorite places to check for and leave reviews are TripAdvisor,, and

The next time you have a great experience out and about, don’t forget to hop online and tell everyone about it — you never know who you’re going to help.

*Note: This article is a guest post. Melissa Smith is a soon-to-be semi-regular contributor to Logan’s Run.