Posts tagged autumn inspiration
Three States for the Price of One: This is the Place Where Michigan, Indiana, & Ohio Meet

You’ve no doubt heard of the Four Corners — the monument that marks the spot where Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona come together, allowing you to stand in all four states at once — but there’s another convergence of state lines over in the Midwest that’s likely never crossed your mind. It’s so obscure, in fact, that it might as well just be marked by a rock on the side of a dirt road.

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Ada: Scenes From a Small West Michigan Town in Early November

Many people mourn the end summer — especially those who live in colder parts of the country — but I’ve been convinced for a long time that autumn is the best season of the year, and there’s nothing you could say to me that would make me believe otherwise. Fall means football, the leaves putting on their color-changing parade, and the start of the holiday season.

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7 Michigan Cider Mills That'll Help You Get in the Autumn Mood

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but summer is pretty much over. Pumpkin spice-everything is already lining the shelves at your local grocery store, the pumpkin-shaped Reese’s have sprouted from the soon-to-be leaf-littered ground, and, perhaps most importantly, football season is underway. Instead of fighting it, why not just turn the page and delight in all that the autumn season has to offer?

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