Three States for the Price of One: This is the Place Where Michigan, Indiana, & Ohio Meet

Michigan-Indiana-Ohio Marker

A rock engraved with a short message marks the spot

You’ve no doubt heard of the Four Corners — the monument that marks the spot where Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona come together, allowing you to stand in all four states at once — but there’s another convergence of state lines over in the Midwest that’s likely never crossed your mind. It’s so obscure, in fact, that it might as well just be marked by a rock on the side of a dirt road.

Oh, wait a minute, that’s actually what they did. Yes, it’s the honest truth: the place where Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio meet is signified only with a rock, upon which is engraved a brief message from the Hillsdale County Historical Society. If not for that endeavor, taken up in 1977, the spot where these three Midwestern states meet would look just like any other dirt road in rural America, and not at all like the odd travel bucket list destination it is today.

“Destination” may be loosely defined in this sense, seeing as we are talking about a rock on the side of the road that amounts to a 10-minute photo opp. (if that), but there is another attraction nearby that could entice you to stay a bit longer. Because just up the road from the tri-state marker is La Tierra Sanctuary, a 38-acre property sporting easily-accessible hiking trails that are open to the public.

The sanctuary may not be marked on your map, but sitting just a quarter mile north of the marker, it’s fairly easy to find. Its interconnecting trails, three in total, allow you to walk through a mostly wooded area, dotted here and there with wetlands. Wooden walkways help you traverse what might otherwise be a mucky path in places, and if you’re lucky (or unlucky; I suppose it depends) you might run into some wild birds or other wildlife.

I wouldn’t necessarily plan an entire trip around visiting this odd little corner of the Midwest, but if you happen to be in the area anyway, it’s certainly worth a couple hours of your time. If nothing else, maybe a short walk in the woods will get the creative juices flowing for whatever project you may have in the works.

And now, because I’ve run out of things to say, please enjoy this small gallery of photos: