Posts tagged remote work
6 Tips for Running Your Business From the Great Outdoors

You have a business to run, but that doesn’t mean you have to abandon your passion for the outdoors. Maybe you’ve heard, but remote work is kind of a big deal right now. A recent report estimates that 36.2 million Americans will work remotely by 2025, so it’s wise to look into startups that you can build and sustain wherever you are in the world. It’s easier than ever today to enjoy camping, hiking, or exploring without disrupting your company’s operations.

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They Sold Everything and Set Out for Life on the Road — Could You?

The thought of packing everything up, getting rid of the stuff you don’t need, and hitting the open road for a period of months or years is probably one that crosses many people’s minds from time to time — or at least those of us who have been bitten by that little bug called wanderlust, anyway. It’s a tantalizing thought: no house or rent payments, nothing keeping you anchored to one place or another, and the freedom to roam as you please.

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