Posts tagged public health
How to Hit the Road & Stay Safe as the Pandemic Rages On

Time off has lost a little bit of that sense of escapism — the defining trait of proper rest and relaxation. Instead of a safe space, home is a reminder of what we’re missing out on. People isolate themselves for the sake of everyone’s physical health, but cabin fever looms. Irritation, loneliness, restlessness: the remedy is a change of scenery, which is asking for too much during a pandemic, right?

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Why You Shouldn't Go On a Cruise Even When (If?) They Start Running Again

Are you a cruise kind of person? Not everyone is, but some people really seem to love the idea of hitting the open water with a couple thousand of their closest friends while aboard a colossal hunk of floating metal. It’s an experience, for sure, but it begs the question: at what cost?

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Should You Take Advantage of Cheap Flights During a Global Health Crisis?

Such a widespread public health crisis undoubtedly reaches its dirty paws into economic affairs — and that includes the business of travel. Regardless of the tool you prefer, a search for most any flight right now will likely turn up fares that are far less expensive than you’re accustomed to. The natural question becomes: should you take advantage of them?

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