Posts tagged Tanzania
6 Travel Novels I Would Recommend (& One That's Better Left on the Shelf)

Sometimes, for whatever reason — be it financials, career, or, ahem, a global pandemic — we find ourselves unable to venture off to the various destinations, near or far, inhabiting our travel bucket lists. In these times there is little we can do other than dream of the myriad places we wish to experience firsthand, and things can get depressing.

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7 National Parks in Southern Africa That Should Have Your Attention

There is perhaps no word more synonymous with Africa than “safari,” and when you consider the quantity and diversity of the continent’s national parks and the wildlife they contain, it’s not difficult to figure out why that is. With vast deserts like the Sahara and the Namib, magnificent mountain ranges such as the Eastern Rift and Drakensberg, and a population of wildlife more diverse than on any other continent, Africa as a whole offers boundless opportunities to explore.

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