Posts tagged Sooner State
2021 Wasn't Exactly Wonderful, But At Least Some of the Wander Returned

Starting is always the hardest part, isn’t it? Taking that leap, acting on that big idea, staring at the blank page. But after you finally get the ball rolling, a new challenge materializes: keeping it rolling. It’s not enough to simply plant the seed; you’ve got to water it, make sure it has fertile soil to work with, give it a proper amount of sunlight. It can be a lot of work, but then again, nothing worth having comes easy, does it?

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Our Overly Outstanding, Out-of-the-Way Adventure in Oklahoma City

It’s the kind of place you probably wouldn’t go unless you had a specific reason. Like, say, if your youngest brother decided he wanted to go out into the world and try something new, and if, due to a range of factors, he wound up moving to Oklahoma City with one of his best friends from high school. If something like that were to occur, well you would have all the reason you’d need to finally check Oklahoma off the list, right?

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