Posts tagged Scooby-Doo
Two Peas in a European Pod: One Week in Ireland & England — Day 4

It wasn’t quite the crack of dawn, but Day 4 in Ireland certainly got off to an earlier start than any of its predecessors. Why, you ask? Well, because a mid-afternoon flight from Dublin to London was definitely going to sneak up on us faster than we would have liked — which meant we had but a few wee hours to see or do anything else in Galway before we had to hit the road, Jack, and not come back no more (no more, no more, no more…).

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The Incredibly Intrepid Icelandic Expedition: Day 4

Day 4 was set to be the relaxing day, the day we weren’t running around like chickens with our heads cut off, intent on seeing every last nook and cranny we could find. And it was that, which is why no one was too concerned when we got off to another slow start in the morning.

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Top 10: Playstation 2 Classics from the Early 2000s

In revisiting a couple of my favorite PS2 titles over the elongated holiday weekend, I thought why not go full throttle with the nostalgia and make a list of games that I grew up with? And so here we are.

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