Posts tagged Kiki
To Airbnb, or Not to Airbnb? It Isn't Even a Question: The Best Airbnb's I've Ever Stayed At

The evolution of an idea into a full-blown success is truly remarkable, when you stop to think about it. A decade ago, mentioning the term “Airbnb” might have gotten you some funny looks; these days, people would think you were a weirdo for not knowing what it is.

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The Incredibly Intrepid Icelandic Expedition: Day 3

There’s nothing quite like waiting until the last minute to plan something out. And it doesn’t get much more last minute than when you’re sitting at the kitchen table in your Airbnb after a long night of shenanigans in the northernmost capital city in the world searching up places to be and things to see on the Google Machine less than an hour before you’re planning to hit the road.

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