Posts in North America
8 Incredible Shots of Alaska from Photojournalist Emily Mesner

For the past few months my friend Emily Mesner has been working as a media specialist for Denali National Park and Preserve in the Interior of Alaska. She has taken countless stunning photos during here time out on the Last Frontier and she was kind enough to let me share some of them on my blog.

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These 9 National Parks Receive the Fewest Visitors Per Year on Average

You've heard of Yosemite, Yellowstone, and Zion. You could name in which state you'd find the Grand Tetons, the Grand Canyon, and the Great Smoky Mountains. But the most-visited national parks constitute just a fraction of the beautiful federally-protected lands that you can visit in the United States.

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The B1G Tour: Wending Our Way to West Lafayette

On Saturday, three hours or so past the crack of dawn, a friend, my brother, and myself squashed ourselves into my brother's black Ford Focus and took to the freeway, heading south for the great(ish) state of Indiana, America's Crossroads, as they say.

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New York: 'The City Seen For The First Time...'

For four-ish days near the end of August 2015, I found myself in America’s largest city, the one they say never sleeps, trying to follow suit with that oft-used phrase while there. On the 16th anniversary of the terrorist attacks of 9/11, I recount my visit from two years ago and the time I spent at the National September 11 Memorial & Museum.

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A Night in Notoriously Fabulous Niagara Falls

Once upon a time, almost three years ago in the fall of 2014, I witnessed the majesty of Niagara Falls for the very first time — from the American side in New York. This month, though, I discovered why people tend to say the view is better from the Canadian side.

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Toronto: Things To See & Do in Canada's Largest City

With all of the shenanigans going on in America at present, a little escape to our friendly northern neighbor seemed like quite a good idea. And, as the saying goes, go big or go home — right?

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The Race to 50 States: Logging My Lifetime Journey Across America

One of my long-term travel goals is to visit all 50 of these here United States of America, and I've been making steady progress over the last decade or so, twice visiting six new states in a single year (2011 and 2015). Despite the pandemic slowing things down for a couple years, things have picked back up and I continue to inch closer toward realizing this monumental task. Follow along, won’t you?

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